Sunday, April 1, 2018

FW: Solr Metrics mismatch the query logs

-----Original Message-----
From: Nawab Zada Asad Iqbal []
Sent: 29 March 2018 08:58
Subject: Solr Metrics mismatch the query logs


I gather solr metrics from the following URL for my request handler.


Specifically, there is a requests value in the stats map for each handler.
I use this value to calculate the requests which arrived between two
successive intervals when I retrieved the stats.

What i want to know is:

How is this number updated? At the start of the query handler execution or
near the end? I tried to grep the code but couldn't find the place.

How does this number match with queryStartTime and queryEndTime which appear
in INFO log for each query.

I have noticed that sometimes there is a big spike in the numbers coming
from the metrics api (requests count), while the count of the queries in the
logs don't jump as drastically.

PS: I am using solr4 hence the metrics api url may not work for recent


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