Sunday, April 1, 2018

FW: Resetting Authentication/Authorization

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey []
Sent: 30 March 2018 18:59
Subject: Re: Resetting Authentication/Authorization

On 3/30/2018 7:18 AM, Terry Steichen wrote:
> The output resembles the contents of security.json, except that
> there's only one authenticated user, which is the one whose
> credentials are supplied.  And there are only two permissions.

I was actually wanting to SEE it.  Redact things like the encrypted
passwords and the usernames if you like.  There should be stuff in the
output OTHER than the json itself.

> That's the essence of my question: yes, I think it should logically do
> what you say, but I don't know if or how it does that.  I don't think
> it loads security.json because I have to start from scratch no matter
> what's in security.json, and no matter where I place that file.  I
> would be happy if it did that because I could prepare a fine-tuned set
> of authentications and permissions and reuse it each time.  I simply
> don't know how to do that (or even if it can be done).

When you're running SolrCloud, security.json (and most other config
files) are NOT on your disk.  They're in zookeeper. An exception is
sometimes solr.xml ... but you can put that in zookeeper too.  Any versions
of config files that you put on disk are completely ignored.

Unless you're doing something that creates a brand new ZK database every
time you restart Solr, which is a very bad idea, the security settings
should be surviving restarts.


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