-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [mailto:apache@elyograg.org]
Sent: 28 March 2018 02:37
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Help Needed - Indexing Related
On 3/27/2018 6:08 AM, YELESWARAPU, VENKATA BHAN wrote:
> Hope you are doing well. I have been struggling with indexing for a week
> Yesterday I deleted all indexing files and tried re-indexing. It failed
saying unable to open a new searcher. Also that _0.si file is missing.
> Today I redeployed the whole application and tried indexing. Now facing
the below issues.
> If you could guide me on this or if there is any documentation around
this, that would greatly help. Appreciate your time on this.
> 2018-03-27 07:53:59,896 DEBUG (DefaultdatabaseFunctions.java:319) -
> lock [SolrIndexingJobReadFromQueue] acquired
> 2018-03-27 07:53:59,924 DEBUG (SolrIndexingJob.java:193) - done
> sleeping
> 2018-03-27 07:53:59,929 DEBUG (DefaultdatabaseFunctions.java:313) -
> lock [SolrIndexingJobReadFromQueue] already exists, will try updating
> it now
> 2018-03-27 07:53:59,971 DEBUG (SolrIndexingQueueServiceImpl.java:54) -
> Object Alerts.CWI_0000096850 not fetched because its identifier
> appears to be already in processing
> 2018-03-27 07:53:59,971 DEBUG (SolrIndexingQueueServiceImpl.java:54) -
> Object Alerts.CWI_0000096850 not fetched because its identifier
> appears to be already in processing
> 2018-03-27 07:53:59,971 DEBUG (SolrIndexingQueueServiceImpl.java:54) -
> Object Alerts.CWI_0000096850 not fetched because its identifier
> appears to be already in processing
> 2018-03-27 07:53:59,971 DEBUG (SolrIndexingQueueServiceImpl.java:54) -
> Object Alerts.CWI_0000096854 not fetched because its identifier
> appears to be already in processing
> 2018-03-27 07:54:31,128 WARN (SolrIndexingJob.java:107) - Solr
> indexing job failed
> java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 16, Size: 10
None of those logging messages are coming from Solr classes. It all appears
to be third party code. There are no actual errors in the log, but there is
one log entry at WARN. In the stacktrace for that log entry, I see the
following classes:
"com.actimize.solr.indexing.SolrAlertsIndexer" and
"com.actimize.dao.DaoUtil". The latter class is the first class in the
stacktrace not pointing at native Java code, so the
IndexOutOfBoundsException is likely happening in that code.
I was unable to find information about those classes with Google, so I'm
betting that it's custom code that your company has developed or contracted
to be developed. You're going to need to talk to whoever maintains the
"com.actimize" code. Give them the stacktrace, and ask them to dig into why
the error occurred. If it happened because Solr didn't respond with what
they expected, then we can look into that problem.
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