Saturday, March 17, 2018

FW: question regarding wildcard-searches

-----Original Message-----
From: Paesen Roel []
Sent: 16 March 2018 15:51
Subject: question regarding wildcard-searches

Hi everybody,

We are experimenting with solr, and I have a (I think) basic-level question:
we have a multiple fields, all copied into a generic field so we can search
everything at once.
However we have a (for us) strange situation doing wildcard searches for the
contents of one specific field.

Given in the schema:

<field name="_text_" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false"

<field name="genormaliseerdInventarisnummer" type="string" indexed="true"
stored="true"/> <copyField source="genormaliseerdInventarisnummer"
dest="_text_" /> and lot of other fields exactly like

Now, we are certain that the field 'genormaliseerdInventarisnummer' contains
entries like 'EO.1954.53.1', 'EO.1954.53.2', EO.1954.53.3', all the way up
to '.19', we can query these directly by passing these exact texts to the
query on field '_text_' (our default search field).
Problem is: wildcard searches for these don't work, like 'EO.1954.53.*' for
example returns zero results.

Why is that?
What needs to be adjusted? (and how?)

Thanks already,

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