Monday, March 19, 2018

FW: How does group.query work in solr?

-----Original Message-----
From: Anjani Kumar []
Sent: 19 March 2018 18:38
Subject: How does group.query work in solr?

I am trying to achieve grouping according to the fields matched in a single
query. So in the group.query parameter I am passing individual queries
according to field names and in the query parameter, I am passing just the
search term to be matched against the default copy fields. However It is
taking too much time compared to querying individual fields separately and
combining the data at my end.

here is the sample query:


This query takes time in order of seconds to complete when atleast 100 users
are hitting(using jmeter).

The query over each fields and joining the results take time in order of
100-200 ms for the same jmeter parameters. Why is there such a huge
difference in the performance?

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