Saturday, October 28, 2017

Fwd: Information on GSTIN Format

The GSTIN for different taxpayers has been made unique to identify different type and category of taxpayers, for Normal Taxpayer, Casual Tax Payer, SEZ, TDS, UIN etc. Following are some formats which a GSTIN can take.


  • The state code is followed by the 10 digit PAN number (For TDS, it can be either PAN or TAN) followed by another 3 alpha numeric digits. Sample GSTIN for Normal Taxpayer, Composition Taxpayer, Casual Taxpayer etc. : 

                e.g. 07AAAAA1234A1Z1
  • For Non-resident Foreign Taxpayers or Non-resident online service provider,  the state code is followed by 2 digit year, 3 digit country code and 5 digit serial number per year and another 3 alpha numeric digits . Sample GSTIN for Non-resident Foreign Taxpayers and Non-resident online service provider :  

                                    e.g. 0717USA12345NF1 

  • For UN Bodies, Embassies etc. and other notified persons, the term used is UIN. For the UIN, The state code is followed by two digit year, 3 digit country code and 5 digit serial number and another 3 digit of alpha numeric character. Sample UIN for Embassies, UN Bodies and other notified person etc.: 

                                    e.g. 0717AUS12345UN1

GSTN has also provided a facility to validate and search the taxpayer(s) Online at , search GSTIN/UIN ( 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fwd: roshan, your flightplan to "cognitive" search is here.

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From: "Lucidworks |" <>
Date: 26-Oct-2017 10:30 PM
Subject: roshan, your flightplan to "cognitive" search is here.
To: <>

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Search for Financial Services

The rise of big data solved the problems of scaling and storing,  and search evolved right alongside to become the best way for companies to make sense of the massive amounts of information they have.  But the build-and-launch days of search apps are done.  Now your end-users and customers require a more evolved search to quickly find better answers.

There is (of course) a shiny new name for this: "cognitive search." 

Cognitive search means applications with smarter search functionality that "gets" the context of the data, and "gets" you.

Our latest ebook, Flightplan: Getting from Enterprise Search to Cognitive Intelligence, features our Cognitive Search Continuum. The Cognitive Search Continuum is a four part model showing how organizations  can start to evolve their search capabilities from simple keyword search applications to more powerful capabilities like cognitive search and conversational apps.

Download Ebook: Flightplan: Getting from Enterprise Search to Cognitive Intelligence

This email was sent by Lucidworks | 717 Market Street Suite 800 | San Francisco, CA 94103. If you're not interested in receiving these types of communication, click here to unsubscribe and we'll remove you from our mailing list.

javascript project for solr and lucene

A persistent full text search engine for the browser and Node.js
Latest release 0.14.0 - Updated  - 886 stars
API around the ElasticSearch RESTful API -- mostly convenience.
Latest release 0.6.0 - Updated  - 96 stars
A text search index module for Node.js. Search-index allows applications to add, delete and retri...
Latest release 1.1.0 - Updated  - 885 stars
mongo query language for humans inspired by Lucene
Latest release 0.2.0 - Updated  - 104 stars
Lucene query parser and formatter for JavaScript created using PEG.js
Latest release 1.1.3 - Updated  - 8 stars
Temporary fork of experimenting with lower RAM consump...
Latest release 0.6.15 - Published  - 885 stars
Lucene Query Parser for JavaScript created using PEG.js
Latest release 1.2.0 - Updated  - 52 stars
Generate escaped lucene query strings
Latest release 0.2.0 - Updated  - 8 stars
Lucene Query Parser for Javascript created using PEG.js
Latest release 3.0.0 - Updated  - 1 stars
extended lucene query syntax with sorting, field selection, limits etc
Latest release 0.3.2 - Updated  - 25 stars
A flexible chaining API for ElasticSearch
Latest release 2.1.0 - Updated  - 6 stars
couchdb-lucene plugin for nano
Latest release 1.0.6 - Updated  - 5 stars
Lucene Query helpers for HIRO Graph
Latest release 0.2.7 - Updated  - 2 stars
Pustaka Javascript untuk memisahkan kata dari imbuhan awal ataupun akhir pada bahasa Indonesia
Latest release 0.1.5 - Updated  - 13 stars
Build Lucene queries by defining lucene query builders
Latest release 0.0.2 - Updated  - 1 stars
API around the ElasticSearch RESTful API -- mostly convenience.
Latest release 0.5.2 - Updated 
A small library providing utility methods to parse a freetextquery to lucene-syntax
Latest release 0.1.2 - Updated  - 1 stars
Loopback filter JSON to Apache Lucene string
Latest release 0.1.1 - Published  - 1 stars
A parser plugin for fis to compile typescript.
Latest release 0.0.4 - Updated 
Search index engine
Latest release 0.0.1 - Published 
Adds lucene indexing to Hoodie
Latest release 0.0.0 - Published  - 3 stars
Script that parses a boolean query to an array with all the possibilities. IE: (a AND (b OR c)) -...
Latest release 0.0.2 - Updated  - 2 stars
Build Lucene queries by defining lucene query builders
Latest release - Published  - 1 stars
Mongoose query language for humans inspired by Lucene
Latest release 0.1.0 - Published  - 1 stars
## Overview
Latest release 0.2.0 - Updated 
Faceted search application and components for Apache Solr/Lucene
Latest release - Published  - 3 stars
An ElasticSearch client.
Latest release 0.0.13 - Updated  - 105 stars
Latest release 1.2.6 - Updated 
A module to parse lucene query string to regular expressions
Latest release 1.1.1 - Updated 


Roshan Agarwal
Director sales
Siddhast® Ip innovation (P) ltd
907 chandra vihar colony

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Fwd: Last Call: Solr Developer Survey

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From: "Lucidworks" <>
Date: 25-Oct-2017 12:38 AM
Subject: Last Call: Solr Developer Survey
To: <>


We're back with an autumn roundup of some of our best blog posts and resources:


Last Call: Fourth Annual Solr Developer Survey

Final call to participate in our fourth annual global survey of Solr professionals to better understand how engineers and developers can take advantage of the growth of the Solr ecosystem. This survey will take about 2 minutes to complete and responses are anonymized and confidential. Go to the survey.


The Search for Better Search at Reddit

The video of Reddit's keynote at this year's Lucene/Solr Revolution is now available on YouTube. In the session, they detail how Reddit went through five search stacks in 12 years and built a new search app with Lucidworks Fusion that serves 70M queries daily across the seventh most popular website in the world. 

Watch the video or view the slides.


Solr Payloads

Solr payloads can help with tasks like per-store pricing, weighted terms (such as the confidence or importance of a term), and weighting term types (like factoring synonyms lower or verbs higher). This blog post from Erik Hatcher walks you through how payloads are implemented in Lucene and how they are integrated into Solr. Read more…


Segment Merging in Solr

During indexing, whenever a document is deleted or updated, it's not really removed from the index immediately, it's just "marked as deleted" in its original segment. This leads to some percentage of "waste." Having half or more of your index wasted isn't ideal, this article explains how these conditions arise and what to do about it. Read more...


Fusion Case Studies:, REI, and Bluestem

Along with Reddit, several other search teams presented at this year's Lucene/Solr Revolution about how they used Lucidworks Fusion to quickly design, build, and deploy search applications. - Learn how the destination travel site created a brand new mobile search experience in just six weeks. Watch video or view the slides.

REI - Hear about the search team's journey from a buggy, error-prone search experience to a more scalable, and more relevant search app. Watch video or view the slides.

Bluestem - How the retailer team built a Black Friday-proof ecommerce search and increased conversions across their 16 brands. Watch video or view the slides.


Ebook: Enterprise Search in 2025

One of our most popular ebooks, Enterprise Search in 2025, takes you on a guided tour of the future of search inside the organization. You'll learn about the crucial need for personalized search results for every user, the move from on-prem or cloud architecture to hybrid applications, the advent of conversational search (including chatbots and AI), and the evolution of voice-based applications.

Grab the ebook now.


From Data to Application in Minutes

Another fantastic session from this year's Revolution is Bjarki Holm's discussion of common UX patterns and paradigms in search, and how to choose the right patterns for your data. Also includes a demo of how to quickly build a mobile-ready search application using Fusion App Studio.

Watch the video.

This email was sent by Lucidworks | 717 Market Street Suite 800 | San Francisco, CA 94103. If you're not interested in receiving these types of communication, click here to unsubscribe and we'll remove you from our mailing list.

Fwd: The journey from outdated to upgraded

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From: "Google Cloud" <>
Date: 25-Oct-2017 2:57 AM
Subject: The journey from outdated to upgraded
To: <>

Modernising isn't just for millennials. Get the data on kicking your obsolete tech habits.

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Hi Roshan,

Legacy technology is a drag on your IT department. But the numbers show that it also affects the rest of the business, slowing progress and increasing risk. Get the stats on how legacy tech impacts your business—and how companies are moving past it.

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See you in the cloud,

The Google Cloud Team


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

दीपावली की ह्रदय से सुभ कामनाये।

आप को दीपुत्सव दीपावली की ह्रदय से सुभ कामनाये। इस दीवाली प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि हम सब राम राज्य में दर्शाया गया जीवन यापन कर संके। 

हिन्दू संस्कृति में राम द्वारा किया गया आदर्थ शासन रामराज्य के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। वर्तमान समय में रामराज्य का प्रयोग सर्वोत्कृष्ट शासन या आदर्श शासन के रूपक(प्रतीक) के रूम में किया जाता है।

रामराज्य, लोकतन्त्र का परिमार्जित रूप माना जा सकता है। वैश्विक स्तर पर रामराज्य की स्थापना गांधीजी की चाह थी। गांधीजी ने भारत में अंग्रेजी शासन से मुक्ति के बाद ग्राम स्वराज के रूप में रामराज्य की कल्पना की थी।

राम राज बैठे त्रैलोका। हरषित भए गए सब सोका।।बयरु न कर काहू सन कोई। राम प्रताप विषमता खोई।।दैहिक दैविक भौतिक तापा। राम राज नहिं काहुहि ब्यापा।।अल्पमृत्यु नहिं कवनिउ पीरा। सब सुंदर सब बिरुज सरीरा।।नहिं दरिद्र कोउ दुखी न दीना। नहिं कोउ अबुध न लच्छन हीना।।सब गुनग्य पंडित सब ग्यानी। सब कृतग्य नहिं कपट सयानी।।राम राज नभगेस सुनु सचराचर जग माहिं।काल कर्म सुभाव गुन कृत दुख काहुहि नाहिं।।(रा•च•मा• 7। 20। 7–8; 21। 1¸ 5–6¸ 8; 21)
वाल्मीकि रामायण में भरत जी रामराज्य के विलक्षण प्रभाव का उल्लेख करते हुए कहते हैं, "राघव! आपके राज्य पर अभिषिक्त हुए एक मास से अधिक समय हो गया। तब से सभी लोग निरोग दिखाई देते हैं। बूढ़े प्राणियों के पास भी मृत्यु नहीं फटकती है। स्त्रियां बिना कष्ट के प्रसव करती हैं। सभी मनुष्यों के शरीर हृष्ट–पुष्ट दिखाई देते हैं। राजन! पुरवासियों में बड़ा हर्ष छा रहा है। मेघ अमृत के समान जल गिराते हुए समय पर वर्षा करते हैं। हवा ऐसी चलती है कि इसका स्पर्श शीतल एवं सुखद जान पड़ता है। राजन नगर तथा जनपद के लोग इस पुरी में कहते हैं कि हमारे लिए चिरकाल तक ऐसे ही प्रभावशाली राजा रहें।"

रोशन अग्रवाल
सिद्धस्त आई पी इनोवेशन
झांसी उत्तरप्रदेश